
By Monica Brown

Change. It’s the only constant, they say. But while we intellectually understand this, experiencing change—especially unexpected or unwanted change—can be incredibly challenging. It can trigger feelings of anxiety, fear, and even grief. But what if we could shift our perspective, not just to tolerate change, but to actively embrace it as an opportunity for growth? This is the power of the adaptable mindset.

This first instalment of our #Adaptability series explores the psychology behind this crucial skill, focusing on how we can cultivate a mindset that allows us to not just survive but thrive in the face of change.

The Fixed vs. Growth Mindset: The Foundation of Adaptability

Dr. Carol Dweck’s research on mindsets provides a crucial framework for understanding adaptability. She identified two primary mindsets:

  • Fixed Mindset: Believes abilities and intelligence are static. Challenges are seen as threats to self-worth, and failure is viewed as evidence of inadequacy. People with a fixed mindset tend to avoid challenges, give up easily, and feel threatened by the success of others.
  • Growth Mindset: Believes abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, learning, and perseverance. Challenges are seen as opportunities for growth, and failure is viewed as a learning experience. People with a growth mindset embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, and find inspiration in the success of others.

The adaptable mindset is rooted in the growth mindset. It’s the belief that we can learn, grow, and evolve in response to new circumstances.

Overcoming Resistance to Change: A Human Response

Resistance to change is a natural human reaction. Our brains are wired to seek stability and predictability. Change disrupts this sense of security and can trigger our “fight-or-flight” response. However, understanding why we resist change can help us overcome it:

  • Fear of the Unknown: We often fear what we don’t understand. Uncertainty about the future can lead to anxiety and resistance.
  • Loss of Control: Change can make us feel like we’ve lost control over our lives or situations.
  • Discomfort with Disruption: Change disrupts our routines and comfort zones, which can be unsettling.

Cultivating a Positive Outlook: Reframing Change

Developing a positive outlook is essential for embracing change. Here are some practical strategies:

  • Focus on the Positives: Instead of dwelling on what you’re losing, focus on the potential benefits and opportunities that change can bring. Ask yourself: “What can I learn from this? How can this help me grow?”
  • Practice Gratitude: Focusing on what you’re grateful for can help shift your perspective and create a more positive outlook.
  • Embrace Imperfection: Understand that mistakes are a part of the learning process. Don’t be afraid to try new things and make mistakes along the way.
  • Seek Support: Talk to friends, family, or a coach who can provide support and encouragement during times of change.

The Power of Adaptability

In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability is not just a desirable trait—it’s a necessity. By cultivating a growth mindset and learning to embrace change, we can unlock our full potential, navigate challenges with resilience, and thrive in all areas of our lives.

In the next instalment of our #Adaptability series, we’ll explore practical strategies for developing adaptability in specific areas of life, such as career, relationships, and personal growth. Stay tuned!

Monica Brown, Content Director for CRW News and CRW Radio, Changemaker, Activist And Social Entrepreneur

Article Reproduced with Permission from Monica Brown

To view the original article by Monica Brown on LinkedIn visit here

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